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Help with the GK4 Campaign
There are many ways in which a lone individual can assist in the Gabriel Knight 4 Campaign. Not all of them are immediately obvious – some are, but others are subtler in nature. Here are a few ways a single person or a group can help this effort:
1. The first and most obvious step - write a letter (e-mail or snail mail) to Vivendi Universal.
2. If you can design a website or have a website,
(b) create a blog and mention the Gabriel Knight 4 Campaign as an important point. Alternatively, you can mention the articles that are on the Gabriel Knight 4 Campaign site, and link to them, quote from them, etc. The more visitors that come to read our articles and stay to become interested in the campaign, the better;
(c) create a GK blog that is totally focused on helping to persuade Vivendi to create GK4, and please don't forget to link to the Gabriel Knight 4 Campaign;
(d) link to the Gabriel Knight 4 Campaign from your existing website or blog, no matter what!
3. Tell others AND email others about the Gabriel Knight series and about the Gabriel Knight 4 Campaign. Word-of-mouth is important, and you might be pleasantly surprised by the number and variety of people who will be interested in Gabriel Knight, even if they've never played a computer game. If they've read The Da Vinci Code, the Gabriel Knight games might be just the thing to open up a new world of entertainment and interest to them. Get your friends and family involved – this campaign will take flight with the input, passion and imagination of people from all over the world. Anyone interested in helping, with specific ideas of what they can do, or just with interesting ideas that they think we can try to incorporate, is more than welcome to email the GK4 Campaign Project Co-ordinator with those ideas and for any volunteer work.
4. Offer your services as a proof-reader for articles, translator (we want the main pages of this site to be available in several languages), or advisor. We're not too proud to ignore suggestions for improvement. We want your help and input. Please email the GK4 Campaign Project Co-ordinator if you are interested in and capable of helping in this way.
5. Become a Gabriel Knight 4 Campaign research assistant for the writers who are writing articles for the campaign. If you are good at checking and providing information, especially primary sources, you'll be worth your weight in gold. Please email the GK4 Campaign Project Co-ordinator to volunteer.
6. If you can write well (grammatically and stylistically):
(b) write an article/articles for online computer game magazines - read more;
(c) write an article/articles for print media - computer game magazines, local newspapers, major newspapers, anything you can think of - read more;
(d) write reviews of movies, books, music and games for the Gabriel Knight 4 Campaign. The media reviewed should be relevant in some way to Gabriel Knight – referencing mysteries, historical puzzles, the supernatural or metaphysical (vampires, werewolves, ghosts), or something of that nature. Read our current reviews for style ideas, and please email the GK4 Campaign Project Co-ordinator with your reviews.
7. Find bits and pieces of original GK artwork and music to use on the website. This is extremely important; our focus is on Gabriel Knight, and the more relevant content (especially hard-to-find content) that we have, the better. Please email the GK4 Campaign Project Co-ordinator with anything you find that is not already included on our site. In cases of copyrighted material, please seek permission from the copyright holder, or provide contact information for the copyright holder.
8. If you can draw or have graphics talent:
(b) create downloadable wallpapers for GK fans – preferably conceptualising Gabriel Knight 4 or this campaign;
(c) help with the creation of a print-out “publicity pack”, which we would like to share with game-players relatively unfamiliar with GK. Please email the GK4 Campaign Project Co-ordinator to be part of the team that works on this.
9. If you can communicate well with people face-to-face:
(b) be part of a GK4 survey effort. Please email the GK4 Campaign Project Co-ordinator to indicate your willingness and ability to be involved. What we need most are willing helpers to get out there in the field.
10. Are you a good organiser? If you are, and if your circle of friends, acquaintances and people who might be interested in GK have the willingness and passion to get involved, why not consider doing the following? (Remember to take photos of your events and email the GK4 Campaign Project Co-ordinator to have them uploaded to the Gabriel Knight 4 Campaign site.
(b) Run a GK fair, or a computer adventure game fair. See if there are others in your area interested in participating, helping to run it, etc. If the focus is broader (adventure games rather than just GK), you may be able to interest more people.
(c) Create a GK-based Trivial Pursuit, or play GK Scrabble (using words that are connected to GK). Invite people to a GK games night and play any GK-based game you can think of.
11. Do you know anything about creating a professional quality survey? We want your help! Please email the GK4 Campaign Project Co-ordinator, and we’ll work out a time when we can be online chatting with this, working out the best questions and format.
12. Do you know any online game magazines we haven't included in our list? We want to know about them! Please email the GK4 Campaign Project Co-ordinator with URL, details of contact person and contact email.
13. Create a Gabriel Knight 4 petition (get signatures in your neighbourhood and wider - canvass as widely as you can) and send it to Vivendi. You should also sign the online petition at the GK4ever fansite. The petition script is written in German, but there are only two words which may be unclear. The two buttons under the comment box "Eintragen" and "Felder löschen" mean "Enter" and "Clear".
14. Things to do NO MATTER WHAT:
(b) Sign our guestbook. Why? Because when we contact Vivendi, we’ll have a formidable guestbook to show them the interest there is in having GK4 made, which shows them the potential buyers.
(c) Email everyone you know about the campaign, telling them how they can help. This will raise awareness of GK, get people playing the old games, and increase the potential audience for Gabriel Knight 4 if and when it is made.
(d) Post in the GK forum. Post about how much you’d like GK4 to be made, and post fanfics, read fanfics and comment upon them in the forum, post great experiences you’ve had with GK, whatever – as long as it’s GK-related. This will demonstrate to Vivendi that GK is FAR FROM DEAD and that there’s a huge community longing for a new game.
(e) Talk in the chat-room. This is not yet up and running, but it’s your efforts that will make it happen. Just create your login name, enter, and hang around. There might be no one there to start with – but you can help to get this happening. Encourage others to be there. Fruitful discussions about how we can raise awareness for GK and encourage the making of GK4 can happen in real time, and the best ideas can be saved – email the GK4 Campaign Project Co-ordinator with those ideas.