Gabriel Knight... there are destinies we cannot avoid


NEW The GK forum is ready; old VU forums closing.
NEW Norwegian translation of this site!
NEW “Cat hair moustache” puzzle – full exposé!
NEW Interview with Scott Bilas (technical lead, GK3) by Philip Jong.
NEW Full transcript of Ingrid Heyn’s interview with Robert Holmes.
NEW The Bavaria article is now up.
NEW Yates poem: GK inspiration article is now up.
POSTCARD PETITION GK forum postcard petition to VUG; example text is here on the campaign site.
SIGN Our guestbook is waiting for your signature;
IMPORTANT! How you can help with the GK4 Campaign;
FORTHCOMING Rennes-le-Château; St George; The Templars.

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Why we need GK4

Gabriel Knight has always - and justly - received extremely favourable reviews. Its fans are legion - and new players consistently come across the series, and quickly become enthralled. Their bitter sense of disappointment as they, too, learn that the series is truncated by the lack of any real resolution is not pointless, though - for in the appetite of new fans for the final resolution that must, that will be created lies our great hope.

The voices of new fans add to the clamour.

Gabriel Knight 4 must be created. The story demands it. We who have been captivated by the engrossing world of Gabe Knight... we know that the very soul of us demands it. The series has not finished; we know there are more mysteries to uncover, and the plot must be resolved. The characters have a journey yet to take, and we must go with them to the end.

It is for these reasons that we seek to have GK4 made. To this end, let all fans join together in a campaign that will demonstrate to Vivendi Universal Games that GK4 will be a stunning success. The time is right. The GK style and themes are incredibly popular now, as the fantasy genre in films, the taste in books, the marketing success of the “Da Vinci Code”, and so on are hitting the public right on the taste buds.

Let us work together to create the opportunity for Jane Jensen to - finally - complete this truly fantastic series.

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